Middle Ridge Primary at 203 Spring St in Middle Ridge, QLD

Page of Middle Ridge Primary at 203 Spring St in Middle Ridge, Queensland: contacts, official website, reviews, phone, address.

Contacts of Middle Ridge Primary in Middle Ridge, Queensland



Middle Ridge

203 Spring St, Middle Ridge, QLD 4350


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Reviews about Middle Ridge Primary in Middle Ridge

  • Very nice scenery on a quiet site just out of town. highly recommended.
    Odell, 11.07.2021
  • What is your opening hours on Friday?
    Frederic, 25.06.2021
  • Excellent customer service, work done on time, they are professionals. I always go to them
    Davin, 03.06.2021
  • Not clear on its opening hours on Wednesday
    Orlando, 03.06.2021

Photos of Middle Ridge Primary in Middle Ridge

Places in Middle Ridge

Categories of Middle Ridge Primary in Middle Ridge